Monday, September 15, 2008

Creative at Home!

One thing I love about homeschooling is the opportunity to be more creative when ever we want. Today Courtney decided to make Coral a grass Hula skirt. I think it turned out so cute that I wanted to write about it. Now if I was in a school or away from home she would not have had the time to do this or even to think about doing this. And the fact that I didn't have to give her the idea is even better! I didn't even get to help! I love being crafty and I love that this is passed on to my kids.

So for anyone who wants to make a grass skirt here is how:

Take a bunch of raffia and a long strip of fabric that will fit around you or the person you are making the skirt for, then tie the raffia to the strip. Courtney actually made a loop and pulled the raffia through the hoop onto the fabric for a cleaner look. repeat until you have your desired amount of grass on your skirt! and that is all there is to it.

Have fun making your skirt!


1 comment:

Melissa Stover said...

what a cutie! thanks for stopping by and putting your names in the hat! love chloe but we have a cousin with that name.