Monday, September 15, 2008

My beautiful red head!

My 2nd born daughter Got her braces last week. She was excited at first but when the time came to put them on, she got nervous and cried. As a mom my heart broke for her, but knowing it is the best for her we continued! I myself had braces for almost 4 years or was it 5? I cant remember w moved alot during that time. But I was an adult and it didn't effect me as much as it might a young lady. Anyway Her dad and I along with many others told her how cute she really looked with them on and things have settled down, she is now happy with them on and is working on learning to talk with the strange appliance they call a mara in her mouth.

My how time flies, I cant believe we are at this stage already!
Enjoy your kids while you can!

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