Saturday, September 20, 2008

My Friend Jennifer and her Family.

This is Jennifer and her family. Her husband Jon and their kids Brianna, Josh, Gabriel, Caleb, Mariah, and Aliyah. She is now due with her 7th child in January. Jennifer is one of my best friends and she is a great person in general, Her faith in God is greater than I have seen in most people. This last year she has been facing the fact that her mom may not be here to see her new baby be born due to cancer that she has, now it looks like her mom is going to be here for the baby because she seems to be doing better, But the reason for me blogging about her now is that she is facing another challenge. She found out that her baby that is due in January has many severe health problems and it looks like he may not live very long after birth. Jennifer knows that God has a plan in all of this and we are all praying that maybe God will do a miracle.

So all that to ask anyone who reads this to please pray for my friend and her family and the things they are going through. Pray that God gives them strength in this time and that God would show me how to be a good friend to her.

If anyone ha any positive stories about trisomy 18 please feel free to send them to me so I can share them with Jen. Thanks.



randi said...

I will be praying about her and her mom. Sometimes it is hard to figure out what God is doing, but in time He makes Himself clear!

Unknown said...

I'm sorry to hear your friend is going through a difficult and stressful time in her pregnancy. If you haven't already found us, here is the website for the Trisomy 18 Foundation, . You will find a wealth of information on Trisomy 18, along with many loving and caring families that have walked this journey. As we know, each child with Trisomy 18 is unique. While the list of known defects is the same, some children are more affected than others. It really is unfair for doctors to lump them all into one category. I encourage you and Jennifer to register and join our support boards, you'll be able to communicate with other families affected by Trisomy 18. Right now the best thing to do, is gather up as much information as possible. Please know our hearts are with you, and we're here to support you.


Bianca DeLone
Staff at Trisomy 18 Foundation,Inc.

Aloha-GA-Girl said...
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Aloha-GA-Girl said...

I can second Bianca. and were how I made it through my pregnancy, almost seven months with my daughter, and mourning her death. There are people there at all stages of the journey as well as a wealth of information.

Praying for Jennifer and her family.
